The contact information of the persons visiting our website and filling out the form in order to obtain information are collected by Gözalan Özel Eğitim Öğretim Kurumları Öğrenci Barınma Hizmetleri Otelcilik ve Turizm A.Ş. (“Alan Suites”) and also processed, stored electronically for a limited period of time, transferred, acting in the capacity of the data processor, to suppliers and third parties from whom services are received to be processed or stored taking into account the measured stipulated by the applicable regulations, and shared, acting in the capacity of the data processor, with relevant third parties to the extent necessary in compliance with the data protection and security measures for purposes of contacting you, carrying out our advertising, marketing and promotional activities, contacting you for any commercial and non-commercial purposes within the limitations of the Clarification Text on the Personal Data Protection for Website Visitors (the “Clarification Text”) made available to you in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law no. 6698 (“KVKK”).
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0284 212 44 45
Şerif Bilgen Caddesi, No:1, 22030 Edirne
T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı tarafından başlatılan Güvenlik Turizm Bilgilendirme Programı; tesislerin uygulaması gereken sağlık ve hijyen kurallarının yanı sıra alınması gereken önlemleri kapsamaktadır.
Güvenli Turizm Sertifikası’na sahip olmak isteyen tesisler, uluslararası standartlar göz önünde bulundurularak belirlenen sağlık ve hijyen kurallarının uygulanması konusunda yetkili denetim firmaları tarafından birtakım denetimlere tabi tutulmaktadır. Denetimler düzenli aralıklar ile tekrarlanarak kayıt altına alınmaktadır.
The Safe Tourism Information Program, initiated by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, addresses the health and hygiene rules that facilities should implement, as well as the precautions to be taken.
Facilities that wish to obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate are subject to certain audits by authorized audit companies regarding the implementation of the health and hygiene rules determined by considering international standards. Audits are recorded and repeated regularly.